
Yi-Chao Wang (王一超)

David Cai

Research Software Engineer

Room 405, Network Center
800 Dongchuan Rd, Shanghai, China 200240

wangyichao AT sjtu.edu.cn

Research Interests
HPC Application Performance Optimization
Performance Profiling and Metrics
Performance Modelling

Brief Introduction

I worked at the High Performance Computing (HPC) Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 2012 as a research assistant, and have been working as research software engineer at the center since I received master degree. I focus on performance optimization of high performance computing applications including particle-in-cell, n-body, stencil, etc. From 2016, I worked with Princeton research team and firstly ported real-world HPC application GTC-P on Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. My research paper of this work won the best paper of CCF HPC China 2017 conference.

Higher Level Education

Research Projects

Honors & Awards

Program Committees

Selected Publications

(Complete Publications: Google Scholar)

(* student mentored by me)

Team Members


Graduate Students


Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students