
The computations in this paper were run on the Siyuan-1 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The computations in this paper were run on the π 2.0 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2019 年交我算平台用户致谢论文

1. Ali A, Khan A, Kaushik AC, Wang Y, Ali SS, Junaid M, et al. Immunoinformatic and systems biology approaches to predict and validate peptide vaccines against Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1).

2. Chandra Kaushik A, Wang YJ, Wang X, Kumar A, Singh SP, Pan CT, et al. Evaluation of anti-EGFR-iRGD recombinant protein with GOLD nanoparticles: Synergistic effect on antitumor efficiency using optimized deep neural networks. RSC Advances. 2019;9(34):19261-70.

3. Chen H, Li L, Liu C, Zhang B, Liu H, editors. Uncertainty quantification of the surface properties in hypersonic rarefied cylinder flows.

4. Chen H, Zhang B, Liu H. On the particle discretization in hypersonic nonequilibrium flows with the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. Physics of Fluids. 2019;31(7).

5. Chen W, Ma Y, Li F, Pan L, Gao W, Xiang Q, et al. Strong Electronic Interaction of Amorphous Fe2O3 Nanosheets with Single-Atom Pt toward Enhanced Carbon Monoxide Oxidation. Advanced Functional Materials. 2019;29(42).

6. Chen Z, He F. Alignment-dependent ionization of nonlinear triatomic molecules in strong laser fields. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2019;36(9):2571-8.

7. Da LT, Lin M. Opening dynamics of HIV-1 gp120 upon receptor binding is dictated by a key hydrophobic core. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019;21(47):26003-16.

8. Dai H, Wang W, Xu Q, Xiong Y, Wei DQ. Estimation of Probability Distribution and Its Application in Bayesian Classification and Maximum Likelihood Regression. Interdisciplinary Sciences – Computational Life Sciences. 2019;11(3):559-74.

9. Dan A, Chen HF. Secondary structures transition of tau protein with intrinsically disordered proteins specific force field. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2019;93(3):242-53.

10. Ding D, Chen H, Shao X, Zhang B, Liu H, editors. DSMC study of the real gas effect on lateral jet interaction of THAAD-like missile.

11. Fan S, Wang R, Li C, Bai L, Zhao YL, Shi T. Insight into structural characteristics of protein- substrate interaction in pimaricin thioesterase. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019;20(4).

12. Fan Y, Cheng C, Li W. Effects of the Reynolds number on the mean skin friction decomposition in turbulent channel flows. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 2019;40(3):331-42.

13. Gao J, Li B, Liu F, Cai H, Chen M, Yuan X, et al. Double optimal density gradients for harmonic generation from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces. Physics of Plasmas. 2019;26(10).

14. Gong X, He P, Ma J, Zhang W, Sun F, Ji Q, et al. Observation of photon-nucleus angular-momentum transfer in the strong-field breaking of molecules. Physical Review A. 2019;99(6).

15. Gong Z, Sun H. Pressure-viscosity relation of 2,2,4-trimethylhexane predicted using all-atom TEAM force field. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2019;497:64-70.

16. Gong Z, Sun H. Extension of TEAM Force-Field Database to Ionic Liquids. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2019;64(9):3718-30.

17. Gu X, Fan Z, Bao H, Zhao CY. Revisiting phonon-phonon scattering in single-layer graphene. Physical Review B. 2019;100(6).

18. Gu X, Zhao CY. Thermal conductivity of single-layer MoS2(1−x)Se2x alloys from molecular dynamics simulations with a machine-learning-based interatomic potential. Computational Materials Science. 2019;165:74-81.

19. Guan X, Wei D, Hu D. Free Energy Calculation of Transmembrane Ion Permeation: Sample with a Single Reaction Coordinate and Analysis along Transition Path. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2019;15(2):1216-25.

20. Guo J, You Y, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Joint decoding of CTC based systems for speech recognition.

21. Guo JK, Zhou YN, Luo ZH. Electrochemically mediated ATRP process intensified by ionic liquid: A “flash” polymerization of methyl acrylate. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;372:163-70.

22. Han Z, Ren X, Huang Q, Shi T, Lai Y, Zhao YL. Lipopolysaccharides Inhibit REG3A Self-Aggregation on Gold Nanoparticles: A Combined Study of Multivariate Analysis on Time-Resolved Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectra and Molecular Modeling. Langmuir. 2019;35(9):3498-506.

23. Hua C, Lu H, Yu C, Li D, Chen X. Probing Laves phase formation in Ni-alloy during ultrasonic arc-welding with atomistic modelling. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 2019;24(4):305-12.

24. Huang M, Lu Y, Wang L, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Exploring Model Units and Training Strategies for End-To-End Speech Recognition.

25. Huang Y, Lobos AM, Cai Z. Dissipative Majorana Quantum Wires. iScience. 2019;21:241-8.

26. Hui P, Yuan-Xing L, Zheng-Hong L. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of gas–liquid–solid polyethylene fluidized bed reactors incorporating with a dynamic polymerization kinetic model. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2019;14(1).

27. Ji L, Chen Y, Xu Z. A reduced basis method for the nonlinear poisson-boltzmann equation. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2019;11(5):1200-18.

28. Ji Y, He M, Liu H. Reynolds number influence on the backpressure-induced shock–boundary layer interaction in an asymmetric supersonic expansion flow. Aerospace Systems. 2019;2(2):111-8.

29. Jia B, Li X, Liu W, Lu C, Lu X, Ma L, et al. GLAPD: Whole Genome Based LAMP Primer Design for a Set of Target Genomes. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019;10.

30. Junaid M, Khan MT, Malik SI, Wei DQ. Insights into the Mechanisms of the Pyrazinamide Resistance of Three Pyrazinamidase Mutants N11K, P69T, and D126N. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019;59(1):498-508.

31. Junaid M, Li CD, Shah M, Khan A, Guo H, Wei DQ. Extraction of molecular features for the drug discovery targeting protein-protein interaction of Helicobacter pylori CagA and tumor suppressor protein ASSP2. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 2019;87(10):837-49.

32. Junaid M, Shah M, Khan A, Li CD, Khan MT, Kaushik AC, et al. Structural-dynamic insights into the H. pylori cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) and its abrogation to interact with the tumor suppressor protein ASPP2 using decoy peptides. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2019;37(15):4035-50.

33. Kaliamurthi S, Selvaraj G, Chinnasamy S, Wang Q, Nangraj AS, Cho WCS, et al. Exploring the papillomaviral proteome to identify potential candidates for a chimeric vaccine against cervix papilloma using immunomics and computational structural vaccinology. Viruses. 2019;11(1).

34. Kaushik AC, Gautam D, Nangraj AS, Wei DQ, Sahi S. Protection of Primary Dopaminergic Midbrain Neurons Through Impact of Small Molecules Using Virtual Screening of GPR139 Supported by Molecular Dynamic Simulation and Systems Biology. Interdisciplinary Sciences – Computational Life Sciences. 2019;11(2):247-57.

35. Khan A, Chandra Kaushik A, Ali SS, Ahmad N, Wei DQ. Deep-learning-based target screening and similarity search for the predicted inhibitors of the pathways in Parkinson's disease. RSC Advances. 2019;9(18):10326-39.

36. Khan M, Khan S, Ali A, Akbar H, Sayaf AM, Khan A, et al. Immunoinformatics approaches to explore Helicobacter Pylori proteome (Virulence Factors) to design B and T cell multi-epitope subunit vaccine. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1).

37. Khan MT, Junaid M, Mao X, Wang Y, Hussain A, Malik SI, et al. Pyrazinamide resistance and mutations L19R, R140H, and E144K in Pyrazinamidase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2019;120(5):7154-66.

38. Khan MT, Kaushik AC, Ji L, Malik SI, Ali S, Wei DQ. Artificial neural networks for prediction of tuberculosis disease. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019;10(MAR).

39. Khan MT, Khan A, Rehman AU, Wang Y, Akhtar K, Malik SI, et al. Structural and free energy landscape of novel mutations in ribosomal protein S1 (rpsA) associated with pyrazinamide resistance. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1).

40. Khan S, Khan A, Rehman AU, Ahmad I, Ullah S, Khan AA, et al. Immunoinformatics and structural vaccinology driven prediction of multi-epitope vaccine against Mayaro virus and validation through in-silico expression. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2019;73:390-400.

41. Li BY, Liu F, Chen M, Chen ZY, Yuan XH, Weng SM, et al. High-quality high-order harmonic generation through preplasma truncation. Physical Review E. 2019;100(5).

42. Li C, Qian Y, editors. Prosody usage optimization for children speech recognition with zero resource children speech.

43. Li CD, Junaid M, Chen H, Ali A, Wei DQ. Helix-Switch Enables C99 Dimer Transition between the Multiple Conformations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019;59(1):339-50.

44. Li F, Qin Y, Chalgin A, Gu X, Chen W, Ma Y, et al. A Non-Pt Electronically Coupled Semiconductor Heterojunction for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalytic Property. ChemistrySelect. 2019;4(18):5264-8.

45. Li G, Gama J, Yang J, editors. Preface.

46. Li K, Du Y, Wei DQ, Zhang F. CEBPE expression is an independent prognostic factor for acute myeloid leukemia. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2019;17(1).

47. Li K, Li S, Huang W, Yu C, Zhou Y. MembrFactory: A Force Field and composition Double Independent Universal Tool for Constructing Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membranes. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2019;40(27):2432-8.

48. Li K, Li S, Liu L, Huang W, Wang Y, Yu C, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation studies of the structure and antifouling performance of a gradient polyamide membrane. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019;21(36):19995-20002.

49. Li K, Xu C, Du Y, Junaid M, Kaushik AC, Wei DQ. Comprehensive epigenetic analyses reveal master regulators driving lung metastasis of breast cancer. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2019;23(8):5415-31.

50. Li L, Koh CC, Reker D, Brown JB, Wang H, Lee NK, et al. Predicting protein-ligand interactions based on bow-pharmacological space and Bayesian additive regression trees. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1).

51. Li Q, Luo R, Chen HF. Dynamical important residue network (DIRN): Network inference via conformational change. Bioinformatics. 2019;35(22):4664-70.

52. Li S, Li G, Ain Q, Hur MS, Ting AC, Kulagin VV, et al. A laser-plasma accelerator driven by two-color relativistic femtosecond laser pulses. Science Advances. 2019;5(11).

53. Li S, Tong Z, Bao H. Resolving different scattering effects on the thermal and electrical transport in doped SnSe. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019;126(2).

54. Li S, Xu Q, Li K, Wang Y, Yu C, Zhou Y. Multigeometry Nanoparticles from the Orthogonal Self-Assembly of Block Alternating Copolymers via Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2019;123(39):8333-40.

55. Li S, Yu C, Zhou Y. Phase diagrams, mechanisms and unique characteristics of alternating-structured polymer self-assembly via simulations. Science China Chemistry. 2019;62(2):226-37.

56. Li W, Fan Y, Modesti D, Cheng C. Decomposition of the mean skin-friction drag in compressible turbulent channel flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019;875:101-23.

57. Li W, Liu H. Two-point statistics of coherent structures in turbulent flow over riblet-mounted surfaces. Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao. 2019;35(3):457-71.

58. Li Y, Lahkar S, Wei Q, Qiao P, Ye H. Strength nature of two-dimensional woven nanofabrics under biaxial tension. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2019;28(3):367-79.

59. Li Y, Zou G, Yang S, Wang Z, Chen T, Yu X, et al. Integration of bio-inspired adsorption and photodegradation for the treatment of organics-containing radioactive wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;364:139-45.

60. Liang B, Gao Y, Xu J, Song Y, Xuan L, Shi T, et al. Raman profiling of embryo culture medium to identify aneuploid and euploid embryos. Fertility and Sterility. 2019;111(4):753-62.e1.

61. Liu C, Wei J, Wang YC, Wen M, See S, Lin J, editors. Optimizing Deep Learning Frameworks Incrementally to Get Linear Speedup: A Comparison Between IPoIB and RDMA Verbs.

62. Liu H, Chen H, Yu B, Zhang B, Liu H, editors. On the shock/step-interface interaction in microscale conditions.

63. Liu H, Chen H, Zhang B, Liu H. Effects of Mach number on non-Rankine-Hugoniot shock zone of Mach reflection. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 2019;56(3):761-70.

64. Liu H, Song D, Zhang Y, Yang S, Luo R, Chen HF. Extensive tests and evaluation of the CHARMM36IDPSFF force field for intrinsically disordered proteins and folded proteins. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019;21(39):21918-31.

65. Liu L, Fan S, Li W, Tao W, Shi T, Zhao YL. Theoretical Investigation of the Structural Characteristics in the Active State of Akt1 Kinase. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019;59(1):316-25.

66. Liu L, Shi T, Houk KN, Zhao YL. Understanding the R882H mutation effects of DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A: A combination of molecular dynamics simulations and QM/MM calculations. RSC Advances. 2019;9(54):31425-34.

67. Liu L, Tao W, Bai L, Kim ES, Zhao YL, Shi T. Why does tautomycetin thioesterase prefer hydrolysis to macrocyclization? Theoretical study on its catalytic mechanism. Catalysis Science and Technology. 2019;9(22):6391-403.

68. Liu L, Yang J, Lu H, Tian X, Lu W. Numerical simulations on the motion of a heavy sphere in upward Poiseuille flow. Ocean Engineering. 2019;172:245-56.

69. Liu Q, Luo Z. Modeling bubble column reactor with the volume of fluid approach: Comparison of surface tension models. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2019;27(11):2659-65.

70. Liu YX, Zhu LT, Luo ZH, Tang JX. Effect of spatial radiation distribution on photocatalytic oxidation of methylene blue in gas-liquid-solid mini-fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;370:1154-68.

71. Lu C, Ma Y, Li F, Zhu H, Zeng X, Ding W, et al. Visualization of fast "hydrogen pump" in core-shell nanostructured Mg@Pt through hydrogen-stabilized Mg3Pt. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019;7(24):14629-37.

72. Lyu B, Li H, Jiang L, Shan W, Hu C, Deng A, et al. Phonon Polariton-assisted Infrared Nanoimaging of Local Strain in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Nano Letters. 2019;19(3):1982-9.

73. Ma R, Liu Q, Yu K, editors. Highly Efficient Neural Network Language Model Compression Using Soft Binarization Training.

74. Ma WY, Luo ZH. Operating stability analysis of continuous gas–liquid–solid FBR under super-condensed mode. Advanced Powder Technology. 2019;30(4):751-65.

75. Mehmood A, Kaushik AC, Wei DQ. Prediction and validation of potent peptides against herpes simplex virus type 1 via immunoinformatic and systems biology approach. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2019;94(5):1868-83.

76. Mehmood A, Khan MT, Kaushik AC, Khan AS, Irfan M, Wei DQ. Structural Dynamics Behind Clinical Mutants of PncA-Asp12Ala, Pro54Leu, and His57Pro of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Associated With Pyrazinamide Resistance. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2019;7.

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78. Ping H, Bao Y, Zhou D, Han Z, editors. Flow past a forced oscillating cylinder: A three-dimensional numerical study.

79. Qian Y, Hu H, Tan T. Data augmentation using generative adversarial networks for robust speech recognition. Speech Communication. 2019;114:1-9.

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82. Rehman AU, Khan MT, Liu H, Wadood A, Malik SI, Chen HF. Exploring the Pyrazinamide Drug Resistance Mechanism of Clinical Mutants T370P and W403G in Ribosomal Protein S1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019;59(4):1584-97.

83. Rehman AU, Rahman MU, Arshad T, Chen HF, editors. Allosteric modulation of intrinsically disordered proteins. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.

84. Rong Q, Wei H, Huang X, Bao H. Predicting the effective thermal conductivity of composites from cross sections images using deep learning methods. Composites Science and Technology. 2019;184.

85. Sheng P, Yang Z, Qian Y, editors. GANs for Children: A Generative Data Augmentation Strategy for Children Speech Recognition.

86. Tan H, Li S, Li K, Yu C, Lu Z, Zhou Y. Shape Transformations of Vesicles Self-Assembled from Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Multiarm Copolymers via Simulation. Langmuir. 2019;35(21):6929-38.

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89. Tian J, Liu F, Xu Z, Shi J, Liang T, Zhang Y, et al. Regulatory Role of One Critical Catalytic Loop of Polypeptide N-Acetyl-Galactosaminyltransferase-2 in Substrate Binding and Catalysis during Mucin-Type O-Glycosylation. ACS Catalysis. 2019;9(11):10536-50.

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93. Wang H, Dinkel H, Wang S, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Cross-domain replay spoofing attack detection using domain adversarial training.

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97. Wang S, Yang Y, Wang T, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Knowledge Distillation for Small Foot-print Deep Speaker Embedding.

98. Wang Y, Khan A, Chandra Kaushik A, Junaid M, Zhang X, Wei DQ. The systematic modeling studies and free energy calculations of the phenazine compounds as anti-tuberculosis agents. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2019;37(15):4051-69.

99. Wang YC, Chen JK, Li BR, Zuo SC, Tang W, Wang B, et al., editors. An empirical study of hpc workloads on huawei kunpeng 916 processor.

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108. Xie H, Yan J, Gu X, Bao H. A scattering rate model for accelerated evaluation of lattice thermal conductivity bypassing anharmonic force constants. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019;125(20).

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110. Xu L, Bai XS, Li C, Tunestål P, Tunér M, Lu X. Combustion characteristics of gasoline DICI engine in the transition from HCCI to PPC: Experiment and numerical analysis. Energy. 2019;185:922-37.

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116. Yang G, Wang M, Kong L, Li J. Correlations among atomic mobility, microstructure and local stress of shear bands and necking regions in notched Cu50Zr50 metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019;126(9).

117. Yang S, Liu H, Zhang Y, Lu H, Chen H. Residue-Specific Force Field Improving the Sample of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Folded Proteins. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2019;59(11):4793-805.

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119. Zahiri S, Xu Z, Hu Y, Bao H, Shen Y. A semi-Lagrangian method to solve the nongray phonon Boltzmann transport equation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019;138:267-76.

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122. Zhang W, Chang X, Qian Y, editors. Knowledge distillation for end-to-end monaural multi-talker ASR system.

123. Zhang W, Sun M, Wang L, Qian Y, editors. End-To-End Overlapped Speech Detection and Speaker Counting with Raw Waveform.

124. Zhang W, Zhou Y, Qian Y, editors. Robust DOA estimation based on convolutional neural network and time-frequency masking.

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126. Zhang Y, Liu H, Yang S, Luo R, Chen HF. Well-Balanced Force Field ff03 CMAP for Folded and Disordered Proteins. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2019;15(12):6769-80.

127. Zhao J, Lei Y, Hong J, Zheng C, Zhang L. AraPPINET: An updated interactome for the analysis of hormone signaling crosstalk in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019;10.

128. Zhao P, Wang L, Chakraborty N. Vectorial structure of the near-wall premixed flame. Physical Review Fluids. 2019;4(6).

129. Zhao Q, Weng SM, Chen M, Zeng M, Hidding B, Jaroszynski DA, et al. Sub-femtosecond electron bunches in laser wakefield acceleration via injection suppression with a magnetic field. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2019;61(8).

130. Zhao Z, Zhu S, Yu K, editors. A Hierarchical Decoding Model for Spoken Language Understanding from Unaligned Data.

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132. Zheng X, Zhao CY, Gu X. Thermal conductivity of MoS2/MoSe2 heterostructures: The role of lattice mismatch, interlayer rotation and species intermixing. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019;143.

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134. Zhu LT, Liu YX, Luo ZH. An enhanced correlation for gas-particle heat and mass transfer in packed and fluidized bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;374:531-44.

135. Zhu LT, Liu YX, Tang JX, Luo ZH. A material-property-dependent sub-grid drag model for coarse-grained simulation of 3D large-scale CFB risers. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019;204:228-45.

136. Zhu LT, Rashid TAB, Luo ZH. Comprehensive validation analysis of sub-grid drag and wall corrections for coarse-grid two-fluid modeling. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019;196:478-92.

137. Zhu XL, Chen M, Weng SM, McKenna P, Sheng ZM, Zhang J. Single-Cycle Terawatt Twisted-Light Pulses at Midinfrared Wavelengths above 10 μ m SINGLE-CYCLE TERAWATT TWISTED-LIGHT... XING-LONG ZHU et al. Physical Review Applied. 2019;12(5).

138. Zhu XL, Chen M, Yu TP, Weng SM, He F, Sheng ZM. Collimated GeV attosecond electron-positron bunches from a plasma channel driven by 10 PW lasers. Matter and Radiation at Extremes. 2019;4(1).