
The computations in this paper were run on the Siyuan-1 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The computations in this paper were run on the π 2.0 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2018 年交我算平台用户致谢论文

1. Cai Y, Liu H, Chen H. Allosteric mechanism of quinoline inhibitors for HIV RT-associated RNase with MD simulation and dynamics fluctuation network. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2018;91(3):805-16.

2. Cao H, Wang L, Zhang Q, Li X. Thermal effects on the normal shock dynamics in a laval nozzle. AIAA Journal. 2018;56(8):3342-7.

3. Chang X, Qian Y, Yu D, editors. Adaptive Permutation Invariant Training with Auxiliary Information for Monaural Multi-Talker Speech Recognition.

4. Chen K, Chen B, Lai J, Yu K, editors. High-quality voice conversion using spectrogram-based WaveNet Vocoder.

5. Chen L, Chang C, Chen Z, Tan B, Gasic M, Yu K, editors. Policy Adaptation for Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Dialogue Management.

6. Chen L, Tan B, Long S, Yu K, editors. Structured dialogue policy with graph neural networks.

7. Chen R, Yu K, editors. Fast Oov Words Incorporation Using Structured Word Embeddings for Neural Network Language Model.

8. Chen R, Zhou Y, Qian Y, editors. Emotion recognition using support vector machine and deep neural network.

9. Chen Z, Liu Q, Li H, Yu K, editors. On Modular Training of Neural Acoustics-to-Word Model for LVCSR.

10. Cui P, Zhong T, Wang Z, Wang T, Zhao H, Liu C, et al. Identification of human circadian genes based on time course gene expression profiles by using a deep learning method. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2018;1864(6):2274-83.

11. Da LT, Shi Y, Ning G, Yu J. Dynamics of the excised base release in thymine DNA glycosylase during DNA repair process. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018;46(2):568-81.

12. Da LT, Yu J. Base-flipping dynamics from an intrahelical to an extrahelical state exerted by thymine DNA glycosylase during DNA repair process. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018;46(11):5410-25.

13. Deetz JD, Cao F, Sun H. Exploring the synergy of LiBH4/NaBH4 additives with Mg(BH4)2 electrolyte using density functional theory. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2018;165(11):A2451-A7.

14. Deetz JD, Cao F, Wang Q, Sun H. Exploring the liquid structure and ion formation in magnesium borohydride electrolyte using density functional theory. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2018;165(2):A61-A70.

15. Ding W, Tan T, Qian Y, editors. Fast adaptation on deepmixture generative network based acoustic modeling.

16. Dong Q, Luo Z, Zhu H, Wang L, Ying T, Jin Z, et al. Basal-plane stacking-fault energies of Mg alloys: A first-principles study of metallic alloying effects. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2018;34(10):1773-80.

17. Fang Z, Xiao L, Guo Y, Yang L, Lu W, editors. Experimental and numerical investigations into wave run-up on fixed surface-piercing square column.

18. Golovin G, Yan W, Luo J, Fruhling C, Haden D, Zhao B, et al. Electron Trapping from Interactions between Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasma Waves. Physical Review Letters. 2018;121(10).

19. Gong Z, Sun H, Eichinger BE. Temperature Transferability of Force Field Parameters for Dispersion Interactions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2018;14(7):3595-602.

20. Gong Z, Wu Y, Wu L, Sun H. Predicting Thermodynamic Properties of Alkanes by High-Throughput Force Field Simulation and Machine Learning. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2018;58(12):2502-16.

21. Gu X, Zhao CY. Thermal conductivity of hexagonal Si, Ge, and Si1-xGex alloys from first-principles. Journal of Applied Physics. 2018;123(18).

22. Gu X, Zhao CY, editors. High temperature thermal conductivity of silicon from machine-learning-based interatomic potential.

23. Gumbart JC, Ulmschneider MB, Hazel A, White SH, Ulmschneider JP. Computed Free Energies of Peptide Insertion into Bilayers are Independent of Computational Method. Journal of Membrane Biology. 2018;251(3):345-56.

24. Guo JK, Luo ZH. How the catalyst circulates and works in organocatalyzed atom transfer radical polymerization. AIChE Journal. 2018;64(7):2581-91.

25. Hu D, Guan X, Wang Y. Weighted least square analysis method for free energy calculations. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2018;39(28):2397-404.

26. Hu H, Tan T, Qian Y, editors. Generative adversarial networks based data augmentation for noise robust speech recognition.

27. Hu R, Liu Y. Proper orthogonal decomposition of turbulent flow around a finite blunt plate. Journal of Visualization. 2018;21(5):763-77.

28. Hu Z, Wang W, Wu Z, Sun C, Li M, Lu J, et al. Data Descriptor: Novel sequences, structural variations and gene presence variations of Asian cultivated rice. Scientific Data. 2018;5.

29. Huang M, You Y, Chen Z, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Knowledge distillation for sequence model.

30. Huang Z, Wang S, Qian Y, editors. Joint I-Vector with end-to-end system for short duration text-independent speaker verification.

31. Huang Z, Wang S, Yu K, editors. Angular softmax for short-duration text-independent speaker verification.

32. Ji L, Liu P, Xu Z, Zhou S. Asymptotic analysis on dielectric boundary effects of modified poisson-nernst-planck equations. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2018;78(3):1802-22.

33. Jia J, Ling Z, Zhang Z, Tamura K, Gridnev ID, Imamoto T, et al. An Atropos Chiral Biphenyl Bisphosphine Ligand Bearing Only 2,2′-Substituents and Its Application in Rh-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis. 2018;360(4):738-43.

34. Jiang XW, Wang H. Ordinary state-based peridynamics for open-hole tensile Strength prediction of fiber-reinforced composite laminates. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2018;13(1):53-82.

35. Kaushik AC, Bharadwaj S, Kumar S, Wei DQ. Nano-particle mediated inhibition of Parkinson's disease using computational biology approach. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).

36. Kaushik AC, Kumar S, Wei DQ, Sahi S. Structure Based Virtual Screening Studies to Identify Novel Potential Compounds for GPR142 and Their Relative Dynamic Analysis for Study of Type 2 Diabetes. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2018;6.

37. Ke S, Ulmschneider MB, Wallace BA, Ulmschneider JP. Role of the Interaction Motif in Maintaining the Open Gate of an Open Sodium Channel. Biophysical Journal. 2018;115(10):1920-30.

38. Khan A, Ali A, Junaid M, Liu C, Kaushik AC, Cho WCS, et al. Identification of novel drug targets for diamond-blackfan anemia based on RPS19 gene mutation using protein-protein interaction network. BMC Systems Biology. 2018;12.

39. Khan A, Junaid M, Kaushik AC, Ali A, Ali SS, Mehmood A, et al. Computational identification, characterization and validation of potential antigenic peptide vaccines from hrHPVs E6 proteins using immunoinformatics and computational systems biology approaches. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(5).

40. Khan A, Saleem S, Idrees M, Ali SS, Junaid M, Chandra Kaushik A, et al. Allosteric ligands for the pharmacologically important Flavivirus target (NS5) from ZINC database based on pharmacophoric points, free energy calculations and dynamics correlation. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2018;82:37-47.

41. Lan O, Zhu S, Yu K, editors. Semi-supervised training using adversarial multi-task learning for spoken language understanding.

42. Li JF, Dai YT, Lilljebjörn H, Shen SH, Cui BW, Bai L, et al. Transcriptional landscape of B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia based on an international study of 1,223 cases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018;115(50):E11711-E20.

43. Li K, Liu L, Wu H, Li S, Yu C, Zhou Y, et al. Understanding the temperature effect on transport dynamics and structures in polyamide reverse osmosis system: Via molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2018;20(47):29996-30005.

44. Li Q, Chen HF. Synergistic regulation mechanism of iperoxo and LY2119620 for muscarinic acetylcholine M2 receptor. RSC Advances. 2018;8(24):13067-74.

45. Li S, Tong Z, Bao H, editors. Effects of electron-phonon interactions on lattice thermal conductivity of doped SNSe.

46. Li S, Yu X, Bao H, Yang N. High Thermal Conductivity of Bulk Epoxy Resin by Bottom-Up Parallel-Linking and Strain: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018;122(24):13140-7.

47. Li S, Zhao Q, Hafz NAM, Weng S, Gao K, Mirzaie M, et al. Correlation between macroscopic plasma dynamics and electron beam parameters in a laser-plasma accelerator. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018;60(8).

48. Li X, Xie Y, Liu M, Tai C, Sun J, Deng Z, et al. OriTfinder: A web-based tool for the identification of origin of transfers in DNA sequences of bacterial mobile genetic elements. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018;46(W1):W229-W34.

49. Li Y, Wei A, Ye H, Yao H. Mechanical and thermal properties of grain boundary in a planar heterostructure of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. Nanoscale. 2018;10(7):3497-508.

50. Liang B, Li H, He Q, Li H, Kong L, Xuan L, et al. Enrichment of the fetal fraction in non-invasive prenatal screening reduces maternal background interference. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).

51. Ling Z, Xie F, Gridnev ID, Terada M, Zhang W. Cu-Catalyzed switchable synthesis of functionalized pyridines and pyrroles. Chemical Communications. 2018;54(68):9446-9.

52. Ling Z, Xie F, Gridnev ID, Zhang W. DFT Study of the Strong Solvent Effects in the Cu-Catalyzed Asymmetric Conjugate Addition Reaction. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 2018;65(3):346-51.

53. Liu C, Ye L, Yuan W, Zhang Y, Zou J, Yang J, et al. Investigation on pyrolysis mechanism of guaiacol as lignin model compound at atmospheric pressure. Fuel. 2018;232:632-8.

54. Liu H, Guo X, Han J, Luo R, Chen HF. Order-disorder transition of intrinsically disordered kinase inducible transactivation domain of CREB. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2018;148(22).

55. Liu H, Song D, Lu H, Luo R, Chen HF. Intrinsically disordered protein-specific force field CHARMM36IDPSFF. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2018;92(4):1722-35.

56. Liu L, Lu H, Yang J, Tian X, Peng T, Li J, editors. Numerical study on the migration of two spheres in upward pipe flow.

57. Liu L, Yang JM, Lyu HN, Tian XL, Peng T. Effects of Degrees of Motion Freedom on Free-Fall of A Sphere in Fluid. China Ocean Engineering. 2018;32(5):605-13.

58. Liu L, Yao L, Feng K, Luo Z, Liu K, Zhu H, et al. In silico screening and design of coating materials for PEMFC bipolar plates. Coatings. 2018;8(11).

59. Liu M, Weng SM, Wang HC, Chen M, Zhao Q, Sheng ZM, et al. Efficient injection of radiation-pressure-accelerated sub-relativistic protons into laser wakefield acceleration based on 10 PW lasers. Physics of Plasmas. 2018;25(6).

60. Liu Q, Liang XF, Luo XJ, Luo ZH. A PBM-CFD Model with Optimized PBM-Customized Drag Equations for Chemisorption of CO2 in a Bubble Column. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. 2018;16(5).

61. Liu Q, Luo ZH. CFD-VOF-DPM simulations of bubble rising and coalescence in low hold-up particle-liquid suspension systems. Powder Technology. 2018;339:459-69.

62. Liu Q, Su Y, Luo ZH. Numerical simulations of hydrodynamics and concentration distribution in a stirred tank during startup stage for producing phenylboronic acid ester. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2018;13(2).

63. Liu X, Cao D, Yu K, editors. Binarized LSTM language model.

64. Lu P, Wang J, Li H, Lin K, Gong X, Song Q, et al. High-order above-threshold dissociation of molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018;115(9):2049-53.

65. Luo J, Chen M, Wu WY, Weng SM, Sheng ZM, Schroeder CB, et al. Multistage Coupling of Laser-Wakefield Accelerators with Curved Plasma Channels. Physical Review Letters. 2018;120(15).

66. Luo W, Liu WY, Yuan T, Chen M, Yu JY, Li FY, et al. QED cascade saturation in extreme high fields. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).

67. Luo Z, Zhu H, Ying T, Li D, Zeng X. First principles calculations on the influence of solute elements and chlorine adsorption on the anodic corrosion behavior of Mg (0001) surface. Surface Science. 2018;672-673:68-74.

68. Lv K, Li Y. Indentation of Graphene-Covered Atomic Force Microscopy Probe Across a Lipid Bilayer Membrane: Effect of Tip Shape, Size, and Surface Hydrophobicity. Langmuir. 2018;34(26):7681-9.

69. Ma Y, Li F, Ren X, Chen W, Li C, Tao P, et al. Facets Matching of Platinum and Ferric Oxide in Highly Efficient Catalyst Design for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2018;10(17):15322-7.

70. Pan H, Liu Q, Luo ZH. Modeling and simulation of particle size distribution behavior in gas–liquid–solid polyethylene fluidized bed reactors. Powder Technology. 2018;328:95-107.

71. Qian H, Yao Q, Tai C, Deng Z, Gan J, Ou HY. Identification and characterization of acetyltransferase-type toxin-antitoxin locus in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Molecular Microbiology. 2018;108(4):336-49.

72. Qian Y, Chang X, Yu D. Single-channel multi-talker speech recognition with permutation invariant training. Speech Communication. 2018;104:1-11.

73. Qin S, Liu H, Xiang Y. Lagrangian flow visualization of multiple co-axial co-rotating vortex rings. Journal of Visualization. 2018;21(1):63-71.

74. Qin Y, Li F, Tu P, Ma Y, Chen W, Shi F, et al. Ag3PO4 electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction: Enhancement from positive charge. RSC Advances. 2018;8(10):5382-7.

75. Rahman MU, Rehman AU, Liu H, Chen HF. Inhibitory mechanism of 5-bromo-3-indoleacetic acid for non-structural-3 helicase hepatitis C virus with dynamics correlation network analysis. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2018;77:167-77.

76. Rasheed T, Li C, Zhang Y, Nabeel F, Peng J, Qi J, et al. Rhodamine-based multianalyte colorimetric probe with potentialities as on-site assay kit and in biological systems. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2018;258:115-24.

77. Ren L, Xie K, Chen L, Yu K, editors. Towards universal dialogue state tracking.

78. Shao C, Rong Q, Li N, Bao H. Understanding the mechanism of diffuse phonon scattering at disordered surfaces by atomistic wave-packet investigation. Physical Review B. 2018;98(15).

79. Sheng P, Yang Z, Hu H, Tan T, Qian Y, editors. Data augmentation using conditional generative adversarial networks for robust speech recognition.

80. Shi F, Yang X, Wang H, Zhang Y, Mo HJ, Bosch FCVD, et al. Mapping the Real Space Distributions of Galaxies in SDSS DR7. II. Measuring the Growth Rate, Clustering Amplitude of Matter, and Biases of Galaxies at Redshift 0.1. Astrophysical Journal. 2018;861(2).

81. Shi K, Yu K, editors. Structured word embedding for low memory neural network language model.

82. Shi T, Liu L, Tao W, Luo S, Fan S, Wang XL, et al. Theoretical Studies on the Catalytic Mechanism and Substrate Diversity for Macrocyclization of Pikromycin Thioesterase. ACS Catalysis. 2018;8(5):4323-32.

83. Tan P, Liang Y, Xu Q, Mamontov E, Li J, Xing X, et al. Gradual Crossover from Subdiffusion to Normal Diffusion: A Many-Body Effect in Protein Surface Water. Physical Review Letters. 2018;120(24).

84. Tan T, Qian Y, Yu D, editors. Knowledge Transfer in Permutation Invariant Training for Single-Channel Multi-Talker Speech Recognition.

85. Tong L, Saito K, Guo Q, Zhou H, Guo X, Fan T, et al. Local Bi-O bonds correlated with infrared emission properties in triply doped Gd2.95Yb0.02Bi0.02Er0.01Ga5O12 via temperature-dependent Raman spectra and x-ray absorption fine structure analysis. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2018;30(12).

86. Tong Z, Bao H. Decompose the electron and phonon thermal transport of intermetallic compounds NiAl and Ni3Al by first-principles calculations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018;117:972-7.

87. Tong Z, Liu L, Li L, Bao H. Temperature-dependent infrared optical properties of 3C-, 4H- and 6H-SiC. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2018;537:194-201.

88. Ulmschneider JP, Smith JC, White SH, Ulmschneider MB. The importance of the membrane interface as the reference state for membrane protein stability. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 2018;1860(12):2539-48.

89. Wang B, Li J, Cheng X, Zhou Q, Yang J, Zhang M, et al. NIPS, a 3D network-integrated predictor of deleterious protein SAPs, and its application in cancer prognosis. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).

90. Wang D, Yu C, Xu L, Shi L, Tong G, Wu J, et al. Nucleoside Analogue-Based Supramolecular Nanodrugs Driven by Molecular Recognition for Synergistic Cancer Therapy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018;140(28):8797-806.

91. Wang HC, Weng SM, Liu M, Chen M, He MQ, Zhao Q, et al. Ion beam bunching via phase rotation in cascading laser-driven ion acceleration. Physics of Plasmas. 2018;25(8).

92. Wang JP, He F. Remote control of the dissociative ionization of H2 based on electron- H2+ entanglement. Physical Review A. 2018;97(4).

93. Wang R, Li H, Yang X, Xue X, Deng L, Shen J, et al. Genetically obese human gut microbiota induces liver steatosis in germ-free mice fed on normal diet. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018;9(JUL).

94. Wang S, Dinkel H, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Covariance based deep feature for text-dependent speaker verification.

95. Wang S, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Focal kl-divergence based dilated convolutional neural networks for co-channel speaker identification.

96. Wang W, Mauleon R, Hu Z, Chebotarov D, Tai S, Wu Z, et al. Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice. Nature. 2018;557(7703):43-9.

97. Wang YJ, Khan FI, Xu Q, Wei DQ. Recent studies of mitochondrial SLC25: Integration of experimental and computational approaches. Current Protein and Peptide Science. 2018;19(5):507-22.

98. Wang Z, Yu B, Chen H, Zhang B, Liu H. Scaling vortex breakdown mechanism based on viscous effect in shock cylindrical bubble interaction. Physics of Fluids. 2018;30(12).

99. Wei A, Liu Q, Yao H, Li Y, Li Y. Principles and Mechanisms of Strain-Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline Graphene with Varying Grain Sizes and Surface Hydrogenation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018;122(34):19869-79.

100. Wen L, Sun H. Understanding shear-induced sp2 -to- sp3 phase transitions in glassy carbon at low pressure using first-principles calculations. Physical Review B. 2018;98(1).

101. Wen M, Lin J, Chen M, editors. Optimizing a particle-in-cell code on Intel Knights Landing.

102. Weng SM, Sheng ZM, Murakami M, Chen M, Liu M, Wang HC, et al. Optimization of hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration of ion beams for fusion ignition. Matter and Radiation at Extremes. 2018;3(1):28-39.

103. Wu D, Xu F, Huang Y, Chen C, Yu C, Feng X, et al. Effect of Side Chains on the Low-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Polyphenylene-Based "rod-Coil" Graft Copolymers in Solution. Macromolecules. 2018;51(1):161-72.

104. Wu L, Sun H. Cholesteric ordering predicted using a coarse-grained polymeric model with helical interactions. Soft Matter. 2018;14(3):344-53.

105. Wu WY, He F. Angle-dependent electron-electron correlation in the single ionization of H2 in strong laser fields. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).

106. Wu Y, Li F, Chen W, Xiang Q, Ma Y, Zhu H, et al. Coupling Interface Constructions of MoS2/Fe5Ni4S8 Heterostructures for Efficient Electrochemical Water Splitting. Advanced Materials. 2018;30(38).

107. Xiang Q, Li F, Chen W, Ma Y, Wu Y, Gu X, et al. In Situ Vertical Growth of Fe-Ni Layered Double-Hydroxide Arrays on Fe-Ni Alloy Foil: Interfacial Layer Enhanced Electrocatalyst with Small Overpotential for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Energy Letters. 2018;3(10):2357-65.

108. Xiao J, Tanca A, Jia B, Yang R, Wang B, Zhang Y, et al. Metagenomic Taxonomy-Guided Database-Searching Strategy for Improving Metaproteomic Analysis. Journal of Proteome Research. 2018;17(4):1596-605.

109. Xie L, Liu Q, Luo ZH. A multiscale CFD-PBM coupled model for the kinetics and liquid–liquid dispersion behavior in a suspension polymerization stirred tank. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2018;130:1-17.

110. Xie L, Luo ZH. Modeling and simulation of the influences of particle-particle interactions on dense solid–liquid suspensions in stirred vessels. Chemical Engineering Science. 2018;176:439-53.

111. Xie ZK, Guo JK, Luo ZH. Assessment of Microwave Effect on Polymerization Conducted under ARGET ATRP Conditions. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering. 2018;12(1).

112. Xu B, Falk ML, Li JF, Kong LT. Predicting Shear Transformation Events in Metallic Glasses. Physical Review Letters. 2018;120(12).

113. Xu F, Zhang P, Zhang J, Yu C, Yan D, Mai Y. Crystallization-Driven Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic PCL- b-PEO Coated Gold Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution. ACS Macro Letters. 2018;7(9):1062-7.

114. Xu Z, Zhu H. Two-Dimensional Manganese Nitride Monolayer with Room Temperature Rigid Ferromagnetism under Strain. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018;122(26):14918-27.

115. Xu ZM, Bo SH, Zhu H. LiCrS2 and LiMnS2 Cathodes with Extraordinary Mixed Electron-Ion Conductivities and Favorable Interfacial Compatibilities with Sulfide Electrolyte. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2018;10(43):36941-53.

116. Yan Z, Pollet L, Lou J, Wang X, Chen Y, Cai Z. Interacting lattice systems with quantum dissipation: A quantum Monte Carlo study. Physical Review B. 2018;97(3).

117. Yang GJ, Xu B, Qi C, Kong LT, Li JF. Effect of notch depth on the mechanical behavior of Cu50Zr50 metallic glasses revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. Intermetallics. 2018;93:303-11.

118. Yang Y, Wang S, Sun M, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Generative Adversarial Networks based X-vector Augmentation for Robust Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis in Speaker Verification.

119. Yang YN, Xu L, He F. High-order harmonic generation of the heteronuclear hydrogen molecular ion in strong infrared laser fields. Physical Review A. 2018;98(5).

120. Ye L, Li W, Qi F. Pressure-dependent branching in initial decomposition of gamma-valerolactone: A quantum chemical/RRKM study. RSC Advances. 2018;8(23):12975-83.

121. Ye L, Zhang L, Qi F. Ab initio kinetics on low temperature oxidation of iso-pentane: The first oxygen addition. Combustion and Flame. 2018;190:119-32.

122. Yu G, Zhao X, Zhou J, Mao Z, Huang X, Wang Z, et al. Supramolecular Polymer-Based Nanomedicine: High Therapeutic Performance and Negligible Long-Term Immunotoxicity. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018;140(25):8005-19.

123. Yu JY, Yuan T, Liu WY, Chen M, Luo W, Weng SM, et al. QED effects induced harmonics generation in extreme intense laser foil interaction. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018;60(4).

124. Yuan T, Yu JY, Liu WY, Weng SM, Yuan XH, Luo W, et al. Spatiotemporal distributions of pair production and cascade in solid targets irradiated by ultra-relativistic lasers with different polarizations. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018;60(6).

125. Zahiri S, Zuo J, Shen Y, Bao H. Numerical investigation of ballistic-diffusive heat transfer through a constriction with the Boltzmann transport equation. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;141:126-33.

126. Zhang B, Chen H, Li L, Shao X. Asymptotic-preserving Monte Carlo method for large cylinder hypersonic flows. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 2018;32(1):205-15.

127. Zhang CX, Feng BH, Chen TT, Fu WM, Li HB, Li GY, et al. Heat stress-reduced kernel weight in rice at anthesis is associated with impaired source-sink relationship and sugars allocation. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2018;155:718-33.

128. Zhang H, Chang T. Edge orientation dependent nanoscale friction. Nanoscale. 2018;10(5):2447-53.

129. Zhang H, Zhu S, Fan S, Yu K, editors. Joint spoken language understanding and domain adaptive language modeling.

130. Zhang HY, Xu Q, Xiong Y, Peng SL, Kumari KM, Wei DQ. Membrane defect and water leakage caused by passive calcium permeation. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2018;270:227-33.

131. Zhao L, Zhang F, Ding X, Wu G, Lam YY, Wang X, et al. Gut bacteria selectively promoted by dietary fibers alleviate type 2 diabetes. Science. 2018;359(6380):1151-6.

132. Zhao P, Wang L, Chakraborty N. Strain rate and flame orientation statistics in the near-wall region for turbulent flame-wall interaction. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2018;22(5):921-38.

133. Zhao P, Wang L, Chakraborty N. Analysis of the flame-wall interaction in premixed turbulent combustion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2018;848:193-218.

134. Zhao Q, Liang J, Xu Z. Harmonic surface mapping algorithm for fast electrostatic sums. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2018;149(8).

135. Zhao Q, Liu P, Xu Z. A fast method for evaluating Green's function in irregular domains with application to charge interaction in a Nanopore. Communications in Computational Physics. 2018;24(4):1241-58.

136. Zhao Q, Weng SM, Sheng ZM, Chen M, Zhang GB, Mori WB, et al. Ionization injection in a laser wakefield accelerator subject to a transverse magnetic field. New Journal of Physics. 2018;20(6).

137. Zhou Y, Qian Y, editors. Robust mask estimation by integrating neural network-based and clustering-based approaches for adaptive acoustic beamforming.

138. Zhu H, Zhou D, Bao Y, Wang R, Lu J, Fan D, et al. Wake characteristics of stationary catenary risers with different incoming flow directions. Ocean Engineering. 2018;167:142-55.

139. Zhu LT, Liu YX, Luo ZH. An effective three-marker drag model via sub-grid modeling for turbulent fluidization. Chemical Engineering Science. 2018;192:759-73.

140. Zhu LT, Ma WY, Luo ZH. Influence of distributed pore size and porosity on MTO catalyst particle performance: Modeling and simulation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2018;137:141-53.

141. Zhu S, Lan O, Yu K, editors. Robust Spoken Language Understanding with Unsupervised ASR-Error Adaptation.

142. Zhu S, Yu K, editors. Concept transfer learning for adaptive language understanding.

143. Zhu XL, Chen M, Yu TP, Weng SM, Hu LX, McKenna P, et al. Bright attosecond γ -ray pulses from nonlinear Compton scattering with laser-illuminated compound targets. Applied Physics Letters. 2018;112(17).

144. Zhu XL, Yu TP, Chen M, Weng SM, Sheng ZM. Generation of gev positron and γ-photon beams with controllable angular momentum by intense lasers. New Journal of Physics. 2018;20(8).