
The computations in this paper were run on the Siyuan-1 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The computations in this paper were run on the π 2.0 cluster supported by the Center for High Performance Computing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2017 年交我算平台用户致谢论文

1. Askerka M, Brudvig GW, Batista VS. The O2-Evolving complex of photosystem II: Recent insights from quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), and femtosecond X-ray crystallography data. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2017;50(1):41-8.

2. Cao D, Yu K, editors. Deep attentive structured language model based on LSTM.

3. Cao F, Deetz JD, Sun H. Free Energy-Based Coarse-Grained Force Field for Binary Mixtures of Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2017;57(1):50-9.

4. Cao F, Gong Z, Wu Y, Sun H. A high-throughput computing procedure for predicting vapor-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures – Using carbon dioxide and n-alkanes as examples. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2017;452:58-68.

5. Chang C, Yang R, Chen L, Zhou X, Yu K, editors. Affordable on-line dialogue policy learning.

6. Chen B, Bian T, Yu K, editors. Discrete duration model for speech synthesis.

7. Chen B, Jiang L, Zhong ML, Li JF, Li BS, Peng LJ, et al. Identification of fusion genes and characterization of transcriptome features in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017;115(2):373-8.

8. Chen B, Lai J, Yu K, editors. Comparison of modeling target in LSTM-RNN duration model.

9. Chen L, Zhou X, Chang C, Yang R, Yu K, editors. Agent-aware dropout DQN for safe and efficient on-line dialogue policy learning.

10. Chen W, Tian Z, Li P, Luo W, Gao CL. Absence of static magnetic order in nonsuperconducting FeSe thin films on SrTiO 3 (001) revealed by the magnetism of Se vacancies. Physical Review B. 2017;96(21).

11. Chen Z, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. A unified confidence measure framework using auxiliary normalization graph.

12. Gao Y, Jin Z. Interaction between lattice dislocations and low-angle grain boundaries in Ni via molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular Simulation. 2017;43(13-16):1172-8.

13. Guo GM, Liu H, Zhang B. Numerical study of active flow control over a hypersonic backward-facing step using supersonic jet in near space. Acta Astronautica. 2017;132:256-67.

14. Guo X, Han J, Luo R, Chen HF. Conformation dynamics of the intrinsically disordered protein c-Myb with the ff99IDPs force field. RSC Advances. 2017;7(47):29713-21.

15. He PL, Lao D, He F. Strong Field Theories beyond Dipole Approximations in Nonrelativistic Regimes. Physical Review Letters. 2017;118(16).

16. Hedström S, Matula AJ, Batista VS. Charge Transport and Rectification in Donor-Acceptor Dyads. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017;121(35):19053-62.

17. Hou S, Gu RX, Wei DQ. Inhibition of β-Amyloid Channels with a Drug Candidate wgx-50 Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2017;57(11):2811-21.

18. Huang H, Cao F, Wu L, Sun H. All-atom and coarse-grained force fields for polydimethylsiloxane. Molecular Simulation. 2017;43(18):1513-22.

19. Khan FI, Nizami B, Anwer R, Gu KR, Bisetty K, Hassan MI, et al. Structure prediction and functional analyses of a thermostable lipase obtained from Shewanella putrefaciens. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2017;35(10):2123-35.

20. Li CD, Xu Q, Gu RX, Qu J, Wei DQ. The dynamic binding of cholesterol to the multiple sites of C99: As revealed by coarse-grained and all-atom simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(5):3845-56.

21. Li LN, He F. Ionization and high harmonic generation of two-dimensional quasiperiodic structures in arbitrarily polarized strong laser fields. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2017;34(1):52-9.

22. Li S, Zhang Y, Liu H, Yu C, Zhou Y, Yan D. Asymmetric Polymersomes from an Oil-in-Oil Emulsion: A Computer Simulation Study. Langmuir. 2017;33(38):10084-93.

23. Li W, Liu H. Noise generation in flow over a full-span trailing-edge flap. AIAA Journal. 2017;55(2):561-71.

24. Li Y, Lin Q, Li Y, Cui D. Tunable thermal conductivities of graphene and graphyne under in-plane torsion. RSC Advances. 2017;7(86):54734-40.

25. Li Y, Zhang W, Guo B, Datta D. Interlayer shear of nanomaterials: Graphene–graphene, boron nitride–boron nitride and graphene–boron nitride. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2017;30(3):234-40.

26. Liang Y, Xing X, Li Y. A GPU-based large-scale Monte Carlo simulation method for systems with long-range interactions. Journal of Computational Physics. 2017;338:252-68.

27. Lin Q, Li Y, Yao H. Tunable in-plane torsional strength of surface functionalized two dimensional nanomaterials. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(30):20049-56.

28. Liu G, Cheng X, Wang J, Chen K, Shen Y. Improvement of nonlocal Peierls-Nabarro models. Computational Materials Science. 2017;131:69-77.

29. Liu G, Cheng X, Wang J, Chen K, Shen Y. Atomically informed nonlocal semi-discrete variational Peierls-Nabarro model for planar core dislocations. Scientific Reports. 2017;7.

30. Liu G, Cheng X, Wang J, Chen K, Shen Y. Quasi-periodic variation of Peierls stress of dislocations in face-centered-cubic metals. International Journal of Plasticity. 2017;90:156-66.

31. Liu H, Ye W, Chen HF. Positive cooperative regulation of double binding sites for human acetylcholinesterase. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2017;89(5):694-704.

32. Liu P, Liu C, Xu Z. GENERALIZED SHOCKLEY–RAMO THEOREM IN ELECTROLYTES. Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 2017;15(2):555-64.

33. Liu P, Ma M, Xu Z. Understanding Depletion Induced Like-Charge Attraction from Self-Consistent Field Model. Communications in Computational Physics. 2017;22(1):95-111.

34. Liu Q, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Future vector enhanced LSTM language model for LVCSR.

35. Liu S, Liu Y, Zhao J, Cai S, Qian H, Zuo K, et al. A computational interactome for prioritizing genes associated with complex agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Journal. 2017;90(1):177-88.

36. Liu Z, Huang J, Tyagi M, O'Neill H, Zhang Q, Mamontov E, et al. Dynamical Transition of Collective Motions in Dry Proteins. Physical Review Letters. 2017;119(4).

37. Luo Q, Chen YH, Ju FJ, Guo GM. Numerical study on temperature distribution characteristics of aerodynamic flow field over optic window in near space. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering. 2017;20(2):219-28.

38. Ma J, Zhang Z, Xiang Y, Cao F, Sun H. On the prediction of transport properties of ionic liquid using 1-n-butylmethylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate as an example. Molecular Simulation. 2017;43(18):1502-12.

39. Ma M, Gan Z, Xu Z. Ion Structure Near a Core-Shell Dielectric Nanoparticle. Physical Review Letters. 2017;118(7).

40. Ma M, Zhao S, Liu H, Xu Z. Microscopic insights into the efficiency of capacitive mixing process. AIChE Journal. 2017;63(6):1785-91.

41. Mondaini R, Cai Z. Many-body self-localization in a translation-invariant Hamiltonian. Physical Review B. 2017;96(3).

42. Qi C, Xu B, Kong LT, Li JF. Solid-liquid interfacial free energy and its anisotropy in the Cu-Ni binary system investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017;708:1073-80.

43. Qian T, Wo J, Zhang Y, Song Q, Feng G, Luo R, et al. Crystal Structure of StnA for the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Drug Streptonigrin Reveals a Unique Substrate Binding Mode. Scientific Reports. 2017;7.

44. Quan M, Tang L, Shen J, Yang G, Zhang W. Ni(ii)-catalyzed asymmetric addition of arylboronic acids to cyclic imines. Chemical Communications. 2017;53(3):609-12.

45. Rong Q, Shao C, Bao H. Molecular dynamics study of the interfacial thermal conductance of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and van der Waals force induced deformation. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017;121(5).

46. Shao C, Rong Q, Hu M, Bao H. Probing phonon-surface interaction by wave-packet simulation: Effect of roughness and morphology. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017;122(15).

47. Song D, Luo R, Chen HF. The IDP-Specific Force Field ff14IDPSFF Improves the Conformer Sampling of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2017;57(5):1166-78.

48. Song D, Wang W, Ye W, Ji D, Luo R, Chen HF. ff14IDPs force field improving the conformation sampling of intrinsically disordered proteins. Chemical Biology and Drug Design. 2017;89(1):5-15.

49. Sun C, Hu Z, Zheng T, Lu K, Zhao Y, Wang W, et al. RPAN: Rice pan-genome browser for ∼3000 rice genomes. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017;45(2):597-605.

50. Tan H, Yu C, Lu Z, Zhou Y, Yan D. A dissipative particle dynamics simulation study on phase diagrams for the self-assembly of amphiphilic hyperbranched multiarm copolymers in various solvents. Soft Matter. 2017;13(36):6178-88.

51. Tian X, Hu Z, Lu H, Yang J. Direct numerical simulations on the flow past an inclined circular disk. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2017;72:152-68.

52. Tian X, Xiao L, Zhang X, Yang J, Tao L, Yang D. Flow around an oscillating circular disk at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2017;812:1119-45.

53. Tong L, Saito K, Guo Q, Zhou H, Fan T, Zhang D. Defect induced visible-light-activated near-infrared emissions in Gd3-x-Y-zYbxBiyErzGa5O12. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017;122(17).

54. Wang HC, Weng SM, Murakami M, Sheng ZM, Chen M, Zhao Q, et al. Cascaded acceleration of proton beams in ultrashort laser-irradiated microtubes. Physics of Plasmas. 2017;24(9).

55. Wang JP, He F. Tunneling ionization of neon atoms carrying different orbital angular momenta in strong laser fields. Physical Review A. 2017;95(4).

56. Wang M, Zhang X, Ling Z, Zhang Z, Zhang W. Direct enantioselective: C -acylation for the construction of a quaternary stereocenter catalyzed by a chiral bicyclic imidazole. Chemical Communications. 2017;53(8):1381-4.

57. Wang S, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. What does the speaker embedding encode?

58. Wei A, Li Y, Li Y, Ye H. Thermal characteristics of graphene nanosheet with graphane domains of varying morphologies. Computational Materials Science. 2017;138:192-8.

59. Wu G, Zhang C, Wu H, Wang R, Shen J, Wang L, et al. Genomic microdiversity of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum underlying differential strain-level responses to dietary carbohydrate intervention. mBio. 2017;8(1).

60. Wu J, Liu X, Zhao M, Wan D. Neumann-Michell theory-based multi-objective optimization of hull form for a naval surface combatant. Applied Ocean Research. 2017;63:129-41.

61. Xia Q, Kang X, Wang P, Luo Y, Yang X, Jing Y, et al. Halo Intrinsic Alignment: Dependence on Mass, Formation Time, and Environment. Astrophysical Journal. 2017;848(1).

62. Xiang X, Qian Y, Yu K, editors. Binary deep neural networks for speech recognition.

63. Xie H, Gu X, Bao H. Effect of the accuracy of interatomic force constants on the prediction of lattice thermal conductivity. Computational Materials Science. 2017;138:368-76.

64. Xie L, Liu H. Efficient mesh motion using radial basis functions with volume grid points reduction algorithm. Journal of Computational Physics. 2017;348:401-15.

65. Xie L, Luo ZH. Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics-Population Balance Model Coupled System of Atom Transfer Radical Suspension Polymerization in Stirred Tank Reactors. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2017;56(16):4690-702.

66. Xie X, McGaffin MG, Long Y, Fessler JA, Wen M, Lin J, editors. Accelerating separable footprint (SF) forward and back projection on GPU.

67. Xu H, Li Z, He F, Wang X, Atia-Tul-Noor A, Kielpinski D, et al. Observing electron localization in a dissociating H2+ molecule in real time. Nature Communications. 2017;8.

68. Yang C, Shen Z, Wu L, Tang H, Zhao L, Cao FL, et al. Prediction of self-assemblies of sodium dodecyl sulfate and fragrance additives using coarse-grained force fields. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2017;23(7).

69. Ye W, Qian T, Liu H, Luo R, Chen HF. Allosteric Autoinhibition Pathway in Transcription Factor ERG: Dynamics Network and Mutant Experimental Evaluations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2017;57(5):1153-65.

70. Yu C, Ma L, Huang W, Zhou Y, Qin J, Yan D. Computer simulation studies of the influence of side alkyl chain on glass transition behavior of carbazole trimer. Science China Chemistry. 2017;60(3):377-84.

71. Yu C, Ma L, Li K, Li S, Liu Y, Liu L, et al. Computer Simulation Studies on the pH-Responsive Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Carboxy-Terminated Polyester Dendrimers in Aqueous Solution. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2017;33(1):388-99.

72. Yu D, Chang X, Qian Y, editors. Recognizing multi-talker speech with permutation invariant training.

73. Yuan T, Chen M, Yu JY, Liu WY, Luo W, Weng SM, et al. Target transverse size and laser polarization effects on pair production during ultra-relativistic-intense laser interaction with solid targets. Physics of Plasmas. 2017;24(6).

74. Zhang JM, Jiang C, Ye W, Luo R, Chen HF. Allosteric pathways in tetrahydrofolate sensing riboswitch with dynamics correlation network. Molecular BioSystems. 2017;13(1):156-64.

75. Zhang W, Yu Z, Gong X, Wang J, Lu P, Li H, et al. Visualizing and Steering Dissociative Frustrated Double Ionization of Hydrogen Molecules. Physical Review Letters. 2017;119(25).

76. Zhao Y, Weng S, Chen M, Zheng J, Zhuo H, Sheng Z. Stimulated Raman scattering excited by incoherent light in plasma. Matter and Radiation at Extremes. 2017;2(4):190-6.

77. Zhao Y, Yu LL, Weng SM, Ren C, Liu CS, Sheng ZM. Inhibition of stimulated Raman scattering due to the excitation of stimulated Brillouin scattering. Physics of Plasmas. 2017;24(9).

78. Zhou C, Lianga J, Cheng S, Shi T, Houk KN, Wei DQ, et al. Ab initio molecular metadynamics simulation for S-nitrosylation by nitric oxide: S-nitroxide as the key intermediate. Molecular Simulation. 2017;43(13-16):1134-41.

79. Zhu LT, Pan H, Su YH, Luo ZH. Effect of particle polydispersity on flow and reaction behaviors of methanol-to-olefins fluidized bed reactors. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2017;56(4):1090-102.